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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy December

Well Happy December to all!! I have every good intention on blogging more often but when I think of it I am just to tired or busy to get it done. So When I do make a new post I will try to make it a good one :)
Cooper had minor surgery to have tubes put in his ears on Nov 30th and everything went well and hopefully we will be good to go now. I took him back to the OR at 10:00 and we were in the van on the way home at 10:45!! It was quick and they had said by the afternoon we would not even know he had anything done. And as they said he was 100%. He did enjoy being an only child for part of the day. The other 3 kids stayed over night at my mom's and when I brought them home Cooper was not happy to have to share toy's or mom and dad. But I'm sure he missed his brother's and sister, or at least I hope so :)
Yesterday we took everyone to see SANTA!!! It was good, no tears but no smiles. Much better than I thought things would go. lol After that we went to the little play area and let them run around and play a bit and they really enjoyed that. There were only a few kids there which was good because I was so worried that they were going to pick up some germs and get sick. If I could have followed them around with some clorox wipes I would have ;)

Here are some pics from the other night of bath time fun and a group shot.




The gang