Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween and other stuff

So I have a lot of pictures on this much needed update. The babies are now almost 16 months old and doing GREAT!!! Cooper is the only one with a few issues. He is not gaining weight like the Dr would like so they did a bunch of blood work and it all came back normal, so we will wait till his next visit in January and See how much he gains and go from there. Cooper also is going to be getting tubes in his ears. He has had a bunch of ear infections in the last several months and we went to a ENT and his ears are still fluid filled and he was worried he is not hearing like he should and it might affect his speech if it is not taken care of.
So here is a slew of pictures from the last few months.
Trick or Treat

Nicholas' school party

My big boy and his babies




Nick on the train at Greenfield Village

Miss Ella

The trio at Greenfield Village

Nick and his hobo lunch



1 comment:

Nichelle said...

Glad to see a post from you:-) I know its hard....gee looking back HOW did we do it so much ? The babies are looking good! I love Ella's hair, I cannot get either of my girls in pony tails:-( NOW come over for a PLAY DATE SOON!!!???