Well Thanksgiving was nice and quiet. I am very fearful of RSV (probably a little to cautious) so we stayed home, Clyde had to work, so it was just me and the kids. Thanks to my mom we had a full turkey dinner. She got us dinner from the culinary arts program at Schoolcraft College so all I had to do was cook the turkey and warm up all the fixings. I must say that if you have NEVER made a turkey it's a little daunting but I did a great job and we had a beautiful golden bird:) I waited to make dinner till way later in the day so that Clyde would have a hot dinner and of course the turkey took longer than anticipated so we didn't eat till 11:30pm so I enjoyed the leftovers much better the next day.
So on to Christmas we go, our tree has been up for a few weeks because we were having pictures taken and I wanted a family picture with the tree in the back ground. The pictures turned out
great, I just got to see them today!!! I can't wait to get them, if your interested in seeing them send me an email and I will send you the link. How different it is to put up a tree with 4 month old triplets and a 3 year old. It took me 8 days to get the tree up, lights on and decorated. I really need a Pre lit tree. I have gotten a few gifts but need to get many more. Clyde and I are going to take Nick to Great Lakes Crossing mall on Wednesday to try and get a few more gifts but more to see the Polar Express exhibit they have set up and just to spend a little time with just Nick. Here is some of the fun we had putting up the tree and the finished product.
A look from above, I can't wait to see all the gifts under the tree and 4 wild children tearing into them in a few short years.