Gosh the holidays take a lot out of you. Christmas day was a mellow day at home and then Friday and Saturday we had family over. Friday Clyde's family came over and we had a nice evening. We had pizza and munchies and opened gifts. Thankfully everyone listened to me and loaded us u with gift cards or cash for the babies. Nick got a boat load of stuff and I think we all made out nice. Saturday afternoon my dad and his wife and my brother and his wife came over and once again we has a nice time, My dad and his wife gave the babies Clyde and I MasterCard gift cards:) And last but certainly not least my mom, aunt & grandma came over. More munchies some yummy cocktails and yet more gifts. Nicholas got a huge bean bag chair that he LOVES and Nick got this and the babies got this, way cool and Nick actually went to sleep in his own room last night thanks to it. My Mom and Aunt were VERY generous to Clyde and I. We got a gift card to Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort and have already made a reservation for 2 nights to get away, I can't wait!!!
So here we are on New Year's Eve. Clyde has to work but will hopefully be home at 10:30 so we can ring in the new year together and talk about what a year we had and hope that each year to come is filled with as much joy or more!!! This year my first baby will be 4!!! I can't even believe that and my precious babies will have a first birthday blowout!!! I can't believe they are almost 6 months old already. I hope everyone enjoys themselves tonight, but be safe.
A Final Post
6 years ago